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Australia Rules! (and Regs. on E-scooters) : Overview of Australia the Continent

Australia Rules! (and Regs. on E-scooters) : Overview of Australia the Continent


Australia is the world’s largest island but the smallest continent with 6 states and 2 territories. The 6 states are New South Wales (NSW), Victoria (VIC), South Australia (SA), Queensland (QLD), Western Australia (WA) and Tasmania (TAS) while the 2 territories are Northern Territory (NT) and Australian Capital Territory (ACT). Though altogether it is one continent, there is a division in relationship towards everything and anything, including the use of electric scooters.

Stated below are the different relationships of Australian states and territories with electric scooters:

  • Single - simply means there is no relationship going on, which in this case is unfortunate because electric scooters are a good way to get around.
  • It’s complicated - means that it’s safe to say that something is going on, but not quite completely. Exactly like a trial. Electric scooters on a trial because they are still being examined by the government.
  • In a relationship - this is the ideal relationship with an electric scooter, somewhat exclusively dating, going steady.

Let’s get into detail with the relationships and be well-educated with the rules and regulations of each state and territory before hopping on a powerful electric scooter.

We did some research for your convenience, just click on the links below to find yourself in the official page of each destination.







It’s complicated



It’s complicated



In a Relationship



In a Relationship




It’s complicated



In a Relationship



In a Relationship



In a Relationship

Let’s begin with the 6 states, which are:

New South Wales (NSW)



Known as

Oldest state in Australia, Premier State

Known for (Top 5)

Sydney City, Sydney Opera House, Byron Bay, The Blue Mountains and Lorde Howe Island


8,095,430 estimated as of December 2021

E-Scooter Relationship Status

It’s complicated

NSW has been single for quite a while but recently has decided to go on a trial. A trial to find out if a relationship with an electric scooter is feasible (despite positive facts that it is possible). NSW wants to finally experience a trial relationship before committing.

The on-going trial will last for a year until July 2023, and will be evaluated and monitored by Transport for NSW.

Currently, you can only use shared e-scooters hired through an approved e-scooter provider on NSW roads or related areas.

Private e-scooters are prohibited on NSW roads or related areas including trial areas. NSW is very cautious (not to get its heart broken).

FYI, a license is not required as of the moment

Victoria (VIC)



Known as

Cabbage Garden/Patch because of its small size

Known for (Top 5)

Melbourne City, The Great Ocean Road, Phillip Island, Yarra Valley, Ballarat


6,559,941 estimated as of December 2021

E-Scooter Relationship Status

It’s complicated

Just like NSW, VIC has also been single for quite a while but recently has decided to take the leap of faith and go on a trial. A trial to find out if a relationship with an electric scooter is possible. VIC wants to experience a trial relationship before committing.

The on-going trial is until February 2023 bound by the regulations set out by the Victorian Government which will be enforced by Victoria Police.

The trial complements the National Transport Commission’s review into the safe use of personal mobility devices, including subsequent amendments to the Australian Road Rules.

The trial will allow people to hire e-scooters and ride them on bicycle lanes, shared paths and lower speed roads (up to 50km/h).

Private e-scooters are prohibited on public roads and road related areas.

A license is not required as of the moment, but if available, including a learner’s permit, it can be canceled or suspended if drink or drug driving restrictions are breached and heavy fines can be imposed.

Queensland (QLD)



Known as

Sunshine State

Known for (Top 5)

Home to World Heritage-listed Great Barrier Reef, the ancient Daintree Rainforest and the beautiful Whitsunday Islands


5,265,043 estimated as of December 2021

E-Scooter Relationship Status

In a Relationship

Yes! QLD has gotten the hearts of so many citizens because of its pristine location, plus additionally the freedom (and caution) to ride an electric scooter and allowing it to take you places.

QLD is in a relationship with an electric scooter but rules are becoming stricter and stricter.

In fact, in November 2022, new rules and increased penalties apply for people riding personal mobility devices, such as e-scooters.

Speed limit is reduced to 12km/h on footpaths and shared paths, unless otherwise signed. The 25km/h limit applies everywhere else, including bike lanes and local streets.

Increased fines of up to $1,078 for dangerous offenses involving speed, use on prohibited roads, and holding a mobile phone while riding.

But at least the good news is that these rideables (a broad range of personal mobility devices) can be used in public spaces and road related areas in Queensland.

You must just comply with the road rules to use them.

Rideables don't need to be registered.

Personal mobility device riders, like bike riders, must follow road rules such as stopping at red lights.

Bells must be used on personal mobility devices with handlebars.

Western Australia (WA)



Known as

Australia’s largest state (⅓ of Australia’s land mass)

Known for (Top 5)

Perth, Margaret River, NRottnest Island (home to the selfie-loving quokka), Ningaloo Reef, the Kimbereley, Esperance and the Golden Outback


2,773,400 estimated as of March 2022

E-Scooter Relationship Status

In a Relationship

Compliant e-scooters can be legally ridden ONLY on low speed WA public roads and paths if their maximum power output is no more than 200 watts and they cannot travel more than 10 km/h on level ground.

Riders cannot ride on roads with a speed limit exceeding 50km/h

South Australia (SA)



Known as

The Festival State and the driest state in one of the driest continent

Known for (Top 5)

Festival State, Barossa Valley wineries, the Flinders Ranges, Kangaroo Island and thriving arts scene


1,806,599 estimated as of December 2021

E-Scooter Relationship Status


It’s complicated

It’s a NO for South Australia, a resounding no is what it seems to be for anything related to personal mobility devices. South Australia looks like it chooses to be single, however slowlier and slowlier, it’s opening its heart to e-scooter trials.

At the moment, personal mobility devices cannot be used on roads or road related areas such as foot paths, bike/pedestrian tracks, or vehicle parking areas regardless of the power output of the motor fitted to the device.

Under South Australian legislation, these devices are considered to be motor vehicles. Operating a motor vehicle requires a driver’s license, registration and compulsory third party insurance.

These devices do not meet the safety standards under the Australian Design Rules and they are not eligible for registration. South Australia is a picky one, more to say.

These devices can only be used on private property. Failure to comply could result in fines for driving unregistered and uninsured and in some instances for not holding the appropriate driver’s license.

But like mentioned, South Australia is opening its heart, very cautiously. Currently four e-scooter trials have been approved in South Australia already but restricted to specific local city councils. The participating councils will monitor and evaluate the outcomes to assist the development of a regulatory framework for e-scooters and other personal mobility devices. Yes, South Australia chooses to let its guardian decide matters rather than its heart, if you know what I mean.

Tasmania (TAS)



Known as

The Apple Isle being an important apple exporter. Colloquially known as Taswegian and humorously Vandemonian.

Known for (Top 5)

Said to have the cleanest air in the world. It is also known affectionately as Tassie to locals. Home to Eggs and Bacon Bay, Trousers Point, Penguin, Milkshake Hills, Stinkhole, Granny’s Gut, Awesome Wells, Satan’s Lair and Lovely Bottom. Catchy names for destinations don’t you agree?


569,827 estimated as of December 2021

E-Scooter Relationship Status

In a Relationship

It is confirmed, Tasmania is in a relationship with the electric scooter, and on December 1, 2021 had new rules to allow PMDs on footpaths, shared paths, bicycle paths and some roads in Tasmania.

In more formal words, electric scooter legislation passes Parliament unanimously, (thanks to Michael Ferguson, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport for the help in letting this happen).

Parliament agreed with the Government that there are strict rules that go along with this new mode of transport including consideration of other pedestrians, speed limits and safe use requirements.

By Tasmania’s description a compliant PMD is a small electrically powered device designed to transport one person over short to medium distances.

Councils will have the power to restrict footpaths that should not be shared and to add divided local roads to the network on a case-by-case basis.

The 2 territories are:

Northern Territory (NT)



Known as

Sometime in late 1912, a growing sentiment that the name "Northern Territory" was unsatisfactory and the names "Kingsland" (after King George V and to correspond with Queensland), "Centralia" and "Territoria" were proposed, with Kingsland becoming the preferred choice in 1913. However, the name change never went ahead.

Known for (Top 5)

Home to two spectacular natural rock formations, Uluru / Ayers Rock and Kata Tjuta / The Olgas, which are sacred to the local Aboriginal people and which have become major tourist attractions


249,345 estimated as of December 2021

E-Scooter Relationship Status

In a Relationship

Yes, the Northern Territory of Australia has a relationship with the electric scooter! E-scooters can be used as long as they are hired e-scooters in the Darwin area under an agreement with Neuron Mobility and the City of Darwin.

Of course rules are to be followed. Otherwise, fines and demerits may occur and even end with a disqualified license.

Driver's license or a learner permit is not necessarily needed.

For privately owned e-scooters, you can only ride it on private property.

Australian Capital Territory (ACT)



Known as

Federal Capital Territory (FCT) until 1938. It is the second smallest mainland state or territory by population.

Known for (Top 5)

Has the national capital in its territory, the seat of the government, National Gallery of Australia, the National Museum of Australia and Parliament House. Iy

ACT has world-class museums and lots of beautiful parklands.


453,324 estimated as of December 2021

E-Scooter Relationship Status

In a Relationship

Yes, the ACT is in a relationship with the electric scooter!

In fact, e-scooters can be ridden in many areas, but users have to remember they are responsible for their own safety, and that of others.

E-scooters are also not permitted along the light rail corridor and users should always obey pedestrian traffic lights when crossing at lights

an approved bicycle helmet must be worn and the e-scooter must have a warning device such as a bell.

Out of the 8 major divisions Australia has, only 3 are currently in an “It’s Complicated” relationship. The rest are healthily “In a Relationship” with different sets of rules and regulations pertaining to the usage of e-scooters including their registration with the relevant road traffic authority or where they can be legally used. These rules were put in place, in the effort to care for the citizens.

If you are a rider, it is important to check and abide by the local by-law and ride with caution and drive responsibly. Always wear a helmet, protective gear and ensure the bolts are tight and the battery is charged before riding.

When it comes to choosing the best electric scooter, Ride Hub is in the business of making all of its customers satisfied as much as possible, so if you’re looking for the perfect e-scooter, you’ve come to the right place because Ride Hub experts will help you make the best decision when purchasing the best e-scooter ever. Ride Hub carries top-of-the-line brands including Bird, Bolzzen, Ducati, E-Glide, Inokim, Kaabo, Mearth, Mercane, NanRobot, Segway and Xiaomi. They even have a range of tools and guides to help customers work out the right electric scooter for their lifestyle, even a buying guide for their convenience. Ride Hub’s customer service and after sales care is something any customer can definitely count on.

Find Ride Hub, Reach Ride Hub

Ride Hub Australia will be located at the 4th level of Macquarie Centre in CNR Herring Road & Waterloo Road North Ryde, NSW 2113.

Ride Hub also has a physical store located at 129 Victoria Avenue, Chatswood, NSW 2067.

Ride Hub Australia's Current Offers

  • $150 off discount on ANY electric scooter purchase!
  • FREE SHIPPING for online shoppers. However, take note that shipping delivery times depend on your location. It takes 2 days to ship to NSW, while it takes 6-8 days to ship to Tasmania.
  • Price Match Guarantee. When a customer sends Ride Hub Australia a link of the offer they got from the other store, all they need to do is chat or get in touch with Ride Hub Australia

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